Monday, May 29, 2017

Social Media and Self Esteem: Intro

You're reading this blog right now, but what were you doing before this? Scrolling on Facebook? Instagram? Snapchatting? Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter?  Social media is everywhere. And you're on it. Don't deny.

We scroll when we're bored, while we eat, while we socialize, and even before we sleep. All of this interaction with social media seems like a good thing. It feels like you are more involved with the people you are "following" or are "friends" with, but in reality, we are depriving ourselves of actual social interaction and conversation. Humans thrive off of interaction with other humans, but when that interaction is only happening virtually, rather than physically the mind and body begin to suffer.

Studies have shown that people who spend more time on social media are more likely to be depressed or have low self esteem. Discontent with ones life might be impacted by seeing only the positives from another person's life on your feed. It's hard to remember that majority of the time, you are looking at a rose colored lens version of someone's life, and not the reality. In the reality, life is much more complicated, but most people don't share the down's, they just share the ups, and if you are going through a down time, then it can make that time seem that much more down.

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